Ryunin- An Overview

This is a world where magic isn’t an unfeeling force, a tool of wizards and sorcerers; rather, it is made up of sentient spirit-like creatures known as magic and their “worker bees,” the mana.  Mana are everywhere, and they are in everything.  They are like molecules, unseen and fundamental, and they exist in the world in a dormant stage until a magic calls upon them to join its Following.

Once Ryunin was a world wracked in chaos.  Magic would give orders to their Followings at whim, not thinking about how their actions affected others in the world around them.  A farmer would plant his field only to find it transformed the next day into a mountain or a beach.  A fisherman would be sitting in his boat trying to catch a meal, and then find the water turned to clouds and the clouds above turned to water.  Wherever the imaginations of the magic took the creatures, they would do.

The time of chaos ended when the four Great Dragons took away the magic’s imaginations and chose among the humans some to turn into Magic Speakers.  These few humans and their descendants thereafter have the ability to not only hear magic, but also to Name and bond one as their Familiar.  In this way, magic could no longer give orders to their Following at whim, but from then on must act as middle men between humans’ imaginations and mana.  And to make sure that the humans did not get out of hand and misuse magic, Rules were established.

About Amy Britton Mendoza

Born in Fayetteville, North Carolina, Amy grew up traveling every three or four years, going to Florida, to England, to Delaware, to Australia, and then back to Florida. She graduated with a B.A. in English from the University of Florida. There she also met her wonderful husband through the serendipitous combination of Latin textbooks, a Dragon Ball Z shirt, and Shakespeare class. She earned a Master of Arts in Medieval Studies from the University of Connecticut and a Master of Library Science from Southern Connecticut State University. She is a writer, an adjunct in the English Department at Seminole State College in Florida, and the mother of two sweet crazy girls. She is currently editing two novels, Magic's Apprentice, a MG fantasy adventure set in the world of Ryunin and, Fate-Bound, a YA epic fantasy set in the world of Farwynth. Although stories are her obsession, particularly of the Fantasy variety, she also likes anime, sushi, J-pop, and K-dramas.
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